
Echocardiogram (TTE)

An Echocardiogram (echo) is an ultrasound of the heart. It is a painless, non-invasive and safe test to study the structure and function of your heart.
No special preparation is required for this test. You can eat and drink as usual before the test. Sticky dots (electrodes) will be applied to your chest to record an ECG during the echo. While lying down, clear gel is applied to your chest followed by the ultrasound probe. Images of your heart’s chambers, valves, blood flow and cardiac muscle and measurements are taken in multiple planes. These are analysed and recorded to monitor any changes over time. You may be asked to change positions, breathe slowly or hold your breath to get clearer images of your heart.
A TTE is especially useful for identifying any structural disease such as left ventricular hypertrophy, heart failure and valvular disease.
The test takes approximately 30 minutes.
Usually, you will return to the waiting room to wait for your Cardiologist to review the echo, discuss the results with you and recommend any necessary treatment and follow-up care.
